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The Importance of Pathfinders

Click here to view Pathfinder

I had no idea that there were so many different types of pathfinders until starting this project. One that caught my eye while surfing the net was a teacher pathfinder put out by the U.S. Department for Innovation in Education. It gives so much wonderful information on Back to School activities and community involvement. http://teacherpathfinder.org/CommCtr/commctr.html
I saw one pathfinder on the net where a high school student had designed a pathfinder to make an ecology complaint to the state.
After completing my own pathfinder, I thought to myself that every high school/middle school student should complete one of these to explore the kind of career they would like to pursue. This activity might lead them to find the career that they would truly enjoy.
I do think it's wonderful that our schools have filtration software to keep students from going to potentially harmful web-sites.
The pathfinder just like the Life Map could help a person make successful changes in their lives, re-organize their lives and help them reach their full potential. Completing the pathfinder definitely assimilates your knowledge on a particular topic.
I will always remember this technique when doing any kind of research. I understand now how researchers must enjoy applying for grants to conduct their pathfinder research.