I have truly enjoyed stretching myself and learning how to become more technology literate. I notice now
when I even hear the term technology my ears perk up. It definitely has erased a lot of insecurities that I may have had in
the past. More than ever I realize that a person needs to practice the skills learned and keep up to date on the latest software.
There are so many opportunities available to use. There is no excuse for us as educators to minimize our abilities. I know
when computer classes are offered in my district that I will be taking these courses to keep up to date on the skills that
I have learned. Out of all the classes that I have taken at O.S.U. I believe that this one has been one of the most practical
and beneficial. It has broadened my horizon and makes me feel more secure in a lot of projects that I plan to incorporate
as a Literacy Coach. The hardest part for me during this project was uploading files to Tripod.Com. However, I now know that
becoming familiar with the platform you are using can make all the difference in the world.